Dish of the day...
Chipotle honey tangerine glazed chicken, ease of dish... HARD!
Just typing that was hard work. Four hours into prep I was ready to give up. Most of the issues that I encountered while making this dish had to do with executing things I had never before attempted. Peeling a ginger root is not like peeling a potato. Once the ginger was peeled it needed to be minced, for most mincing would be easy. Well I am not like most. I have never before minced anything. Add to that I needed 1/4 cup of minced ginger root and that is were most of my time went.
This recipe also required me to squeeze tangerines. The cook book says it will only take 4-5 tangerines to make one cup of juice. I think everyone of our tangerines must have been the runts of their litters, because it took 8 to give me one cup. Add to all that finely chopped Thyme, cilantro, parsley and basil. Marinate the chicken breasts in that, turning and re marinating every 30 min for FOUR hours.
I hated this dish by this point, but I was only up to the part where it is marinated and I could begin to cook. Well not quite, I still had to create the Chipotle honey tangerine glaze. This was an hour process. Again I needed tangerine juice, but this time I needed 2 cups of it, 14 tangerines later (that is all the rest I had). Boil with honey, and soy sauce, reduce for 45 min, stirring constantly. Add chipotle and tangerine peel and boil for 5 more min.
Grill chicken until almost done, for final few minutes remove from heat, glaze thouroly with chipotle honey tangerine glaze and cook for 2 min on each side. I really hate it by now. I am tired of this dish and have not even had one bite of it.
Oh, and make rice for the side dish, make sure to stir that so the bottom does not burn and keep kids entertained with games and chatter.
Long story short, Kids liked it, Rougeh and I loved it. It was labor intensive, but worth every bite.
I have no Idea what I will be making tomorrow. I need to get to bed and relax after today's cooking.
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